Tuesday, May 18, 2004

So many bloggers, very few faces!

Posted by Hello

I'm experimenting a bit. I'd like to put my picture on to my blog. The reason being that while reading a number of blogs, I always feel that I've known the writer personally but, there's something missing. I don't know how they look like. I can't blame them. A lot of people are very reserved, some are paranoid that putting their picture on a public venue like the internet, is dangerous. Not me. I take risks. I want my blog to be very personal. Putting a face next to my thoughts would give the reader an idea of how I look like. Besides, if the reader would find the blog nonsensensical, then at least there's something to look at. The only thing is that, I CAN'T GET IT TO WORK AND PLACE IT WHERE I WANT IT TO BE!!!!