Saturday, May 05, 2007

These are long overdue!

My Malaysian friend, who happens to be my very first online friend, Chet, tagged me to write 6 things I find weird about myself. There is a slight problem here on my end. I suspect I have more than 10 but I have grown accustomed to them, I might not recognize them as weird. Anyway, I think I can come up with six. So, Chet, here they are:

6 odd things about me:

1. I like to cook but of all cooks, I am one that eats my cooking a lot! Many people find it weird that I can get to eat big portions of my own cooking. Most of them would say they grow tired after having tasted their own meals while cooking. Well, I don't know with them but the reason for cooking is so that I can eat. Ergo...

Another thing friends find weird with me is that I eat noodles with rice! They would always sound surprised and exclaim, "What is that? Carbo on carbo!" And we have been told to limit our carbo intake. Not good!

2. I am interested in anything and everything. The problem is that once I get to know the rudiments, I lose interest. While the interest is still there, I seldom advance. Take the guitar, for example. Once I learned how to read notes, I rarely practice reading them anymore. This is the reason why I cannot sight read. I have to memorize each bar. Also, I never learned how to use the time signature causing my playing dependent on hearing the piece before I get to play it correctly. That is the reason why I can play a tune correctly only if I have heard it before. Otherwise, my son MIckey will have to patiently correct my tempo. What can I do? I have learned playing the instrument "oido" first! You should see how many long playing albums and cassette tapes I have broken during my heyday.

3. I have attention deficit disorder - I think! Why do I say that? Well, I start reading a book and after a few pages, either grow tired or fall asleep. The same thing with movies at HBO or any channels that feature movies. Oftentimes, there would be a movie I want to watch and while waiting for its airtime, I would patiently watch the program before it. I fall asleep and guess what. By the time I wake up, I will be staring at the credits of the show I wanted to watch. I even miss the sign that says, "The End." Darn!!!! This is the reason why I like sitcoms the best - and cooking shows. They only go for thirty minutes, tops.

4. I paint naked. Well, naked as in from the waist up. I'm not that sleazy, you know. I have grown accustomed to painting amid the summer heat when I have plenty of time on my hands. And boy is it hot! And I use only three brushes at the most. Sometimes only one for one whole painting.

5. I have finished all the requirements for at least two masteral programs but did not get to take the comprehensive exams, much more the thesis writing that go with them. This is the reason why you don't get to see any letters after my name. Maybe that is related to number two. What do I know, eh?

6. I like to flirt with women but would be the first to chicken out if I sense the woman was beginning to like it and start to come on to me. I love my wife and my kids a lot. That is read, "fear" my wife a lot! Now, who said I am henpecked? Well, not that that happened before. Women falling for me, that is. I guess I don't have the x factor women are looking for LOL!!!!

Now, the fun part. I have to tag 6 other people. Hence, I am tagging my good friends Batjay, Bugsy,Ipanema, Doc Emer, Gilbert and The C at. Their responses should be very interesting.


When I got back from Thailand, I got a message from Diogenes that my good friend, Philippine Blogs Awards winner Toni referred me to him. He requested me to answer a few questions. He has a project called The Fine Art of Blogging and is soliciting from bloggers around the world (I presume) what they think a blog is, its importance, why do they blog and several other things. Seeing that it is a worthwhile project, I succumbed and sent him my reply. You can find my response here

Anybody who's interested can email me and I will gladly give him the message.


ipanema said...

Weird? hahaha...ay ok yan. Mag-isip muna ako...kung alin dun? :)

Wait lang po ha? Pero I'll answer this. Mabait at masunurin ako. :)

batjay said...

i also love to paint naked. but from the waist down. hehehe. buti na lang, i don't paint so much.

sagutin ko tag mo sir - this is going to be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Sige, Tito Rolly, I will do my assignment. But I have so many things in mind, I might find it hard to choose which among my ka-weirdohan I should include.

cathy said...

malapit na. isang kaweirdohan na lang.

Chet said...

I love the ADD part and laughed out loud when I read how you would wake up to the credits of the movie you wanted to watch!

Thanks, Rolly. Good stuff here. Maybe someone could collect all these entries and publish a book on it.

rolly said...

Ipanema Will be looking forward to it. Have fun!

Batjay These will be funny, I'm sure! Keep your pants up! Jet might not like the idea that other women can accidentally have a peek at you. LOL!

bugsybee That was my own dilemma!

cathy isa na lang pala. KAyang-kaya na yan. Hintayin ko!

Chet Unfortunately, I still go to sleep while watching tv - much to the dismay of the wife, of course. What is funnier is that when she turns off the tv, I wake-up! What's my excuse? I was listening!

Thanks for the tag. It sure was reflective and fun, too.

Anonymous said...

bloghopped and read. nice blog you have here!

Unknown said...

Oh Tito Rolly! hahaha those are hilarious "weird things" about you =)

By the way, I've started my blog up again...slowly but surely! I miss everyone out there! I'll be posting new updates about me on my blog everyday (since it's been 2 yrs since I've updated), so I encourage you all to read on hehe!

Miss you!!

Anonymous said...

Akala ko you paint yourself naked! Hehehe.

Anonymous said...

kumakain rin ako ng pansit at kanin but a big no no sa spaghetti at rice!kpq

rolly said...

leizanne Hey!!!! how are you? When are you coming back? We miss you. We thought you would be with your mom when she came over! I'll visit your blog soon. I'm glad you're updating it again.

toni I can't! No body to brag about eh.

Ebb Tide said...

Hi! Many of us have weird behaviors and I think those 6 things are typical of many artists I know.

Chet said...

Hey, Rolly - it used to happen to my late father, too. He would fall asleep in front of the telly but wake up when we switch it off! As for my aunt, she would be nodding off, and her son (my cousin) would lightly tap her arm to wake her to go to bed and she'd say "don't bother me, I'm watching tv!"

rolly said...

Ebb Tide I'm glad I'm still normal then.

Chet I think people my age and older become that way in front of the tv. That's exactly what I tell Nitz hehehe

Anonymous said...

i can very much relate with #s 2 and 3. does the term "peripatetic" apply? :-)
..but i'm hooked to blogging. so far.