A new beginning. That has always been what I wanted every start of the year. However, all these years, it seems like nothing much have improved. No that may be not true at all from the viewpoint of outsiders. If I am to look for changes, there has been a lot but they come unnoticed. There's the renovation of the house, the new car (well, although not brand new, it is a far much better car than the ones I've been getting), the kids, except for the youngest, are working now. Really, there are so much to thank for but still, I am not satisfied. There is this hunger for more personal improvement I have to contend with.
Last year was by far one of the luckiest years for personal growth. It was last year that I got to travel to the States, first in LA, then a few days after, San Francisco where I also experienced the first hassle at an airport. Next stop was in Ladner, BC in Canada and be reunited with Arlene's daughter, Trudy and her family and visit Arlene's grave before I went to my final destination, Kaslo to be reunited with my niece, Romella Moss. It was also my first to travel by bus in Canada. A long drive across the Canadian Rockies, all ten hours or so of mountains and rivers from Vancouver to Nelson where I was picked up by Romella and her family, Laurie and Cez. It was a wonderful trip, full of experiences and getting to know other people.
This was also the year that I managed to publish an anthology book of students' artworks. It turned out good although the sale wasn't. For some weird reason or another, I am amazed that not all parents are excited seeing their child's work in print. What it tells me is that these parents do not appreciate the Arts and probably find it superficial, if not totally a waste of time. They do not see the importance of the subject and would rather join the mainstream of pounding their children with a lot of Math, Science and English, subjects that most academicians themselves find more important. Well, if I am to look at the list of prospective buyers, I have had at least 130 orders for the book except that majority of these orders failed to pay when I announced that payment could already be done at the accounting office. (Brother Dennis wanted the project to pay for itself and decided that it will be pre-sold before going to ptint) It may be due to the fact that they are just waiting for the actual book before paying. I will have to show them the book on my return but only after I have distributed all copies that have been paid. I am still short of about Php56,000. It's a good thing that Broden bailed me out.
This was also the year that I saw and heard one of my works being sung. Yes, my first song! What happened was I was approached by Gladys who asked me to compose a song for Broden's birthday. I talked to Tess and asked her what she had in mind. Come vacation time, after several days of imagining the lyrics, the form and content of the composition, I finally sat down on Dec 29 and after a few hours came up with my first draft. Several more hours of poring over the song, I decided to finalize it. Yesterday, Dec 5, at around 10:20, I met with her and the chorale and heard the song being practiced. Well, it came out okay. Next project, a musicale with Tess. A very big project and very ambitious but I can make this happen.
I think I have done at least 5 paintings this year. Three of them are in Canada now. The other will be on exhibit at the Lasallian Congress at DLSU. It is to open next week, if I am not mistaken.
Looking forward to what will happen in 2013.